tv shows

A Few "Oldies" but Goodies

A Few "Oldies" but Goodies

It’s the weekend and so it’s time for me to give y’all as many possible show recommendations as I can for your upcoming binges. Since Stranger Things came out last week (was it last week?! I’m still recovering from that), I looked back at some old blog notes from years ago that I never posted. Take a look below and let me know what you think of these oldies but goodies!

The Leftovers Season 2 : First Impressions

The Leftovers Season 2 : First Impressions

After an insane first season of honestly one of the best shows I've ever seen, I was so happy to hear it was coming back for a second season. The closest I can come to comparing it to another show is it reminds me a lot of LOST. There are a ton of bizarre scenes, unanswered questions that leave you hanging after each episode, but leave you wanting more.