13 Reasons Why: Season 3

Image by Fandom

Image by Fandom

I had the most amazing weekend with some fantastic binges that I just had to tell you about. On Thursday night, my friend was in town and we were determined to stay up until midnight for the new season of 13 Reasons Why to come out on Netflix….until we realized it wouldn’t be released until 2am, so we took a “nap” which turned into a full night of sleep. Fail, but that’s okay, we started binging first thing in the morning. I know it’s only been a little over a year since season 2 of 13 Reasons Why was released, but as usual, I had already forgotten a lot of what happened. Thankfully, Netflix gives a great recap at the beginning of season 3 to get you caught up.

As we all know now, the main theme of this season and question on everyone’s mind is “Who killed Bryce Walker?” I truly loved this season because there are so many complex story lines and secrets that are revealed in each characters lives. So expect pretty much every episode to have something jaw-dropping revealed.

NOTE: For those that have not watched 13 Reasons Why yet, I do have to warn you that this show deals with some very heavy themes like suicide, gun violence, and rape. In my opinion, this show has done a great job with letting its viewers know that they have resources available should any one watching feel like they need help. It takes on some very intense horrifying things that unfortunately are a reality to a lot of people, especially high school aged kids. That being said, know that by watching this, you’re going to be seeing some things you don’t like or that may make you feel uncomfortable. However, the story line is done so well, the acting is incredible, and the show is done in a way that doesn’t aim to cheaply shock viewers, but rather bring attention to these kinds of things, and in doing so, start a conversation and hopefully provide help those struggling along the way.

All in all, I highly recommend watching this show. If it' any indication to how good this season was, I finished all 13 episodes in just over 24 hours. That’s how good it is, and you’ll be dying to unravel who could have killed Bryce Walker. As soon as you suspect someone and think you have it all figured out, the show pivots over and over leaving you confused all over again.

Now, for some less serious and happier show recommendations from the weekend, check out On Becoming a God in Central Florida.