New Comfort Show: Netflix's Virgin River

Photo cc: Netflix

Photo cc: Netflix

Now onto another favorite of mine this month: Virgin River. Not gonna lie, it took me about two episodes to really get into Virgin River. It was SO worth it though because by the time I was getting close to the end, I was ready for another season (thankfully it’s been renewed for season two!) I think I was distracted the first couple of episodes because I couldn’t get it out of my mind that #1 This show is extremely similar to Hart of Dixie (and even has the exact same actor from it playing the same role as the doctor!) and #2 The lead actor/love interest is the guy from the horror movie The Ring. And for whatever reason I saw that movie a ton when it first came out and I was in middle school. I digress….anyway, this show is a great comfort show, it’s a little bit Hallmark-y, a little Gilmore Girls-y with the small town feel where everyone knows each other. It even throws in a little danger with a group of people that run an illegal marijuana drug trade just outside of town. 

The show is essentially a love story without actually showing a lot of romantic love, but more of a build up to it. There are a few couples that you really are rooting for, but there are major things standing in the way. Whether it be infidelity that happened 20 years ago, pregnancies, being on the run with a new identity, that sort of thing. The show is really similar to Hart of Dixie—new girl comes to town to help out the one Doctor in this small town, and eventually her past catches up to her or she’s running away from something. You get the gist of it. And the whole town is really interested in the new girl plus they love to gossip.

Also important to note: the scenery in this show is incredible. Imagine lush trees and mountains everywhere, and lots of waterfalls. Beautiful. There’s this scene where a huge thunderstorm happens and knocks the power out of the town, but there’s still power  at the go to bar/restaurant that seems to be the common meeting place for everyone in town. Whenever there’s a storm like that, the people from town all gather there and wait out the storm together. It’s adorable and cozy and I would 100% love to live in a town like that that does things like that.