Twin Peaks Review

Okay, as I’m sure will happen many times, I’m going into TOTAL nerd mode right now as I write this. My good friend Nickole and her husband love cult classics and they got me HOOKED on Twin Peaks, a show from the early 90’s. To give you a little background, Twin Peaks was created by Mark Frost and David Lynch. The show follows an investigation that is led by FBI agent Dale Cooper (Kyle McLachlan) ((Am I the only one that always thinks of him as the bad guy in the Flinstones movie?)). The investigation is into the murder of the beloved popular homecoming queen Laura Palmer. The show continues on a weird, cryptic, hilarious, and strange path as the episodes progress, and we soon find out that there are many different dynamics to the characters and their relationships with each other, as well as the relationship they had to Laura Palmer.

***WARNING*** The rest of this blog will include many spoilers, so if you haven’t Netflix-binged on this show already, please go do so now. It won’t take you long if you’re a show nerd like me. (Total disclosure, I watched both seasons in less than two weeks, although I spent a week waiting to watch the very last episode just because I didn’t want it to end).

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with cult classics, but this one should be at the very top of your list (along with x-files, which, don’t even get me started on that because I will go into 110% show nerd when I start writing about what I thought about that!! Ahem, cue Mulder and Scully).

Now, Twin Peaks isn’t for the faint of heart. You have GOT to have a little bit of a nerd in your personality. This to date is one of THE weirdest shows I have ever seen, but certainly one of the best. It’s one of those shows that you become so involved in that YOU yourself feel like you live in Twin Peaks. If you’ve seen the movie “Something Wicked this Way Comes,” the vibe is very similar to that. So just how weird is this show? Let’s talk about one of the strangest scenes on the show. When Dale Cooper has as dream that he’s sitting on a couch in a red room, while a strange little person that barely speaks English starts dancing around in a tux, and a Laura Palmer look alike saunters over to Cooper and whispers things in his ear. (You have to see it to know what I’m talking about). Second weirdest scene? The quirky moment when Cooper sets up this contraption in the wilderness with the rest of the sheriffs (and Lucy of course, we can’t forget Lucy!!). He claims that he has discovered this mind body connection and that by throwing rocks at a glass bottle after a name on the suspect list is said, will lead them to the killer. Totally bizarre. They’re all fascinated about it but it is by far one of the most hilarious scenes! 

Moving on…let’s discuss my favorite actors throughout this series. 

#1: Audrey! A classic beauty, a rebel, a “dance alone to weird slow jazz music” kind of gal. I can’t get over the fact that she falls in love with the most attractive guy on the show that makes appearances in season two. It killed me to see her lose her virginity on his private jet before sending him off and professing their undying love. Why did he have to leeeeeave?! Come back!!

#2: Lucy. She’s hilariously dumb, in the best way possible. Her high pitched voice and her love for the equally hilariously ditzy cop are total perfection and bring an amazing lovable quality to this show. 

#3: Josie. Ohhhhh Josie. Literally one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen! So many women in this show have this undeniable classic beauty, and Josie definitely ranks in the top three. When she RANDOMLY (wtf?) died and then seemed to be screaming out of the wooden knob on the nightstand dwarer, I was totally and completely lost. Oh, not to mention the RANDOM return of Bob during this scene.

#4: BOB. Dear God I have never seen a more creepy person in my life. Just looking at him you wouldn’t think he was that creepy, but if you’ve seen the show you know exactly what I mean by this. The first time Bob appears is when Laura Palmer’s mom is grieving her death. Out of NOWHERE, and I mean NOWHERE because there haven’t been any scary jump-out moments until this point, she sees Bob behind Laura’s bed. It’s a 2 second scene and it will literally scare the living daylights out of you. And, in Twin Peaks fashion, of course they just pretend nothing happens after that and it doesn’te even get ADDRESSED for several more episodes. So you’re left wondering “Who the f*** was that and WHY is he so creepy!!!” (Fun fact, Bob was originally part of the production team, and David Lynch happened to see his reflection in the mirror, asked if he was an actor and if he could play the “creepy person” on the show. Ha! Hats off to you David Lynch!) 

Now, for some of the fun mentions on the quirky parts that make up the town and community of twin peaks:

  • The obsession with PERFECT coffee and PERFECT pie
  • The book brothers club (I feel like this storyline could’ve been developed much more, but I love that idea of brotherhood and keeping evil out of the town) 
  • Dr. Jacoby’s weirdness and his obsession with the tropics (as seen inside his home/office)
  • The MUSIC! OMG. Let’s talk about how calming and peaceful that million minute long introduction is. I already have it stuck in my head. Again. And I’m not upset about it. One bit. 
  • THE OWLS…?! ‘Nuff said. 
  • The log lady (may she rest in peace) :( 

All in all, I am SO unbelievably excited to watch the Twin Peaks movie, and then see it’s return in 2016!! I assure you, I will have already rewatched it all and have even more fun stuff to share with you, so stay tuned! 

“Oh Leland, you’ve been  a good vehicle and I’ve enjoyed the ride”—Bob