The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 11: “Always Accountable"

The thought that’s on everyones mind after this weeks episode of The Walking Dead is of course, “was that Glenn on the walkie?!!!!” at the very end of the episode. In true Walking Dead fashion, they give us a seemingly slow episode only to cause an entire PANIC by having someone that sounds identical to Glenn saying “help” on the walkie as Abraham, Daryl, and Sasha are driving back to Alexandria. 

So let’s back up a bit. We haven’t seen or heard about what’s happened to these three in several weeks, so we are finally getting a look into just what happened since we saw them last leading the massive herd of walkers. 

Of course everything is going alright, and then out of nowhere people start firing at them and that’s what separates Daryl from Sasha and Abraham. I want to take a moment and pause and recognize how amazing of a shot that was to see Daryl laying down after his motorcycle goes off the road and he lands right next to a Walker with a motorcycle helmet on. Wow.

Daryl gets taken hostage by two young girls and a guy, all who seem very scared and honestly really annoyed me. Let Deryl be on his way so he can get back to the group!! Anyway, long story short, a group of men (I’m assuming the ones that were shooting at them in the first place) show up and tell them that they’ve broken the rules and need to return what they stole. Daryl at this point has escaped and come back to the three because he sees the bag he stole from them had Insulin in it and know they’ll be needing it. Yes Deryl, you are as you say, “stupid too.” Because all that did was help this girl live maybe one hour longer since she gets eaten alive by the two kids who were apparently suffocated to death and then turned into walkers. But I digress...

The worst part of this episode for me was that after Deryl (who is being WAY too nice at this point) invites the remaining two to Alexandria, they turn on him, STEAL HIS MOTORCYCLE, AND HIS CROSSBOW. So they’ve basically stolen his identity. Who is Deryl without those two things?! I really hope he gets them back….somehow...

Another notable moment in the episode is when Abraham finds a bunch of military weapons and grenades on the roof of the insurance agency that he and Sasha are holed up in as they wait for Deryl’s return. He sees a soldier impaled (a walker obviously), and goes over to him and literally gets right up to his face and screams at him as the walker screams. Very interesting moment. Oh and totally stressful. Stay back for God’s sake. Steal the Cuban cigars and weapons and get out of there. Sheesh. 

While Abraham and Sasha are hiding out, they have the discussion that Abraham had to ride with her in the car as they led the herd of walkers away since she did have a psychotic fit last season and he didn’t think she would be okay to go at this solo. She then goes into a talk about how we are all accountable for our own choices, and he needs to be accountable for his too. She knows he is dealing with his own demons, and that he feels the constant need to be in control but that rolling out of a moving car isn’t going to do anything (like he did a few episodes back like a crazy person). 

Then, Meryl picks up Sasha and Abraham so they can return back to Alexandria in a fuel truck he’s found. Abraham looks into the rear view mirror and sees no walkers behind him (unlike what he had been seeing before when they were leading the giant herd). We see him grin and take a sigh of relief. ONLY TO SUDDENLY HEAR MAYBE GLENN’S VOICE ON THE WALKIE. Seriously, the Walking Dead writers are messing with us SO bad. Can they please please please just confirm Glenn’s death?!! It has now turned into a three week conspiracy theory!!! What do you think? Are you sure Glenn is really gone? Who do you think was really on the other end of the walkie?

P.S. Have you noticed that walkers are STILL moving after they are burned alive skeletons?! This has taken what it means to be a moving zombie to a whole new level...