Best Comforting Shows to Binge Right Now

  • GREEK (Hulu)

  • Desperate Housewives (Hulu)

  • Gilmore Girls (Netflix)

  • Parenthood (Netflix)

  • The Good Witch (Netflix)

  • The Fosters (Netflix)

So one of my favorite things to do when 1) I somehow cannot find a new show to watch 2) I’m sick 3) I’m anxious and need a distraction or some background noise, is to watch comforting shows.

As I mentioned in my other post, GREEK is a great comforting feel good show that’s entertaining but also feels like you’re watching your own friends in a way?

Desperate Housewives I’m currently binging and is for sure a guilty pleasure. Plenty of drama but the comfort of the narration at the beginning and towards the end of the show is the best!

Gilmore Girls. Oh man. For some reason I was annoyed when this show first came out when I was younger, but when I finally gave it a chance, it was SO GOOD. I think I’ve seen every episode at least three times now. And my husband loves it too and will not be happy that I shared that with you haha. But see, guys can enjoy it too! Also, my mom and I are best friends so I can relate to Rory and Lorelai’s relationship in the show, it’s so sweet.

PARENTHOOD. OMG. I have watched every episode probably 4 times? This show is something that you don’t just want playing in the background if it’s your first time watching. The families deal with every possible issue you could imagine, and at the end of the day they are all so close and do these outdoor family dinners with the string lights and ahhh I could go on and on about this show but its seriously amazing. Just try the first episode, trust me, you’ll practically feel like they’re your family! So. Good. Please come back Parenthood, I need more seasons.

The Good Witch. This is a really campy but good Hallmark show on Netflix. One of the characters is Callie’s sister from the Fosters (see below), and the other is Mike from Desperate Housewives. I have BARELY paid attention to this show but when I do it’s so comforting and it’s one of those shows you can just have on in the background.

THE FOSTERS. I have also watched each episode at least a couple of times. Another really good family show like Parenthood. Basically it’s two women who are partners that are raising like 23984724 kids in their home. Okay 5. But still. And this one you also sort of have to pay attention to because a lot of drama happens while also still being one of those shows that just warms your heart. Also, check out the show Good Trouble, which stars Mariana and Callie from The Fosters and is basically a continuation of the show as they’ve grown up and gone to college, have jobs now, etc.

Enjoy!! Let me know what you think!