The Walking Dead recap: "Thank you" but no thank you...?!!!

There’s just no way I CAN’T write about the episode “Thank You” on the Walking Dead that aired two Sundays ago. (WARNING: READ NO FURTHER IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED YET). Total side note: but I usually get extremely upset when people ruin shows for me before I’m able to watch them. Remember when the Walking Dead posted on their facebook page RIP about one of the characters, before the West coast had the opportunity to watch it air that night? TOTAL chaos. Fans were freaking out and extremely upset. They vowed to never watch the show again, which is hilarious because let's be realistic, we know they all continued to watch it. Let's take a moment though to send a virtual hug to whoever their social media person was that did that because we know for sure after an incident like that, they were fired.

However, I do have to admit that sometimes I want to at least somewhat prepared if a main character, on a show I’ve been watching for six years, is going to die that night. That’s exactly how I felt about this episode of the Walking Dead. There was something in me where I just knew it was coming, I felt it even though there were no obvious clues leading up to this death. I just thought to myself “wow, what would I ever do if Glenn died…?” And then, of course, it happens. Supposedly. Does it?

The Internet almost broke when this aired. People all over were devastated (but I was somewhat less devastated because I thankfully mentally prepared myself for it). There's a lot of speculation over whether or not Glenn is actually dead...I mean people are even trying to measure the trajectory in the way that Nicholas fell off the dumpster and the way the intestines were getting ripped out on top of Glenn screaming and blood flying everywhere. People all over refuse to believe that this could happen; they’re trying to make up all these conspiracy theories, and that’s actually EXACTLY what the producers wanted.

Another side note: What I find hilarious in all this is the fact that the actor from Game of Thrones that plays John Snow (another death that shocked the nation) and Glenn went and got haircuts together after Glenn’s episode aired. Why is this so funny? When John Snow got his hair cut after his supposed Death on Game of Thrones, people went crazy. That was like closure for them because everyone knows by contract he has to keep his perfect long locks for the show. However, we STILL don't know whether or not he's actually gone from the show. Ugh, people really know how to mess with fan minds. We can only laugh so much at ourselves for how much speculation and questions true die hard fans have after these characters deaths are portrayed.

But I digress...Glenn's supposed death was absolutely awful and random (well maybe not random, since we saw thousands of zombies flooding around them and they were trapped).

Here’s the thing, if Glenn really did die, I’m disappointed not so much because of his death but because of how horrible and undeserved it was... with his intestines getting ripped out and eaten for what felt like MINUTES as he screamed in agony. He did not deserve something that gruesome. He went out in the most lame way, and I think his character should have gotten a much more significant exit. Some sort of heroic act at least. Maybe a final goodbye with his wife. SOMETHING. I mean for goodness sakes he’s been with us since the very beginning and is one of the only original characters left!! So the fact that Nicholas’ body simply threw Glenn over the dumpster was not how I envisioned Glenn’s final act. Granted, I have NO f-ing clue how Glenn would be able to get out of the thousands of zombies surrounding him, but I’m sure he could’ve found a way….right?! right?! Maybe?? 

Now this brings me to the sad part….the original comics. The writers haven’t always followed the timeline or the comics perfectly, but we do know for a fact that according to the original story, Glenn dies--just not in the way it’s portrayed on the episode. So, of course the questioning and the mystery and suspense goes further. Is he really dead?!?! Why do they do this to us?! (So that we sit around researching it and debating it and trying to think up of ways he possibly could have survived and it takes up not only our entire Sunday night but we are left thinking about it the rest of the week and then on edge when the following episode airs)...

If this was truly the end for you, Glenn, may you RIP. You were an amazing character, you were a hero, you were a good husband except for the fact that even when Michonne pointed out you were married and shouldn't go off burning a building to distract thousands of zombies YOU DIDNT LISTEN....!!!!! Ahem, sorry, it's still a sore subject. I do hope the mystery gets solved on the next episodes as to whether or not you have actually left us. If you're gone, you deserve some pretty awesome future movie or show roles because your acting is on point. We'll see what next week brings...